Tired of dealing with the costs and stress of workplace conflict?

Learn how to become more confident in
dealing with workplace conflict
with our free guide

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    Are you ignoring conflict in your workplace, hoping it will go away? You're not alone.

    A recent study found that 70% of respondents were avoiding workplace conflict.

    Unfortunately, this strategy rarely works in the long run. In fact, it typically makes the conflict worse and harder to deal with.

    Only 26% of employees believe their employer handles workplace conflicts well and the costs associated with workplace conflict can have a HUGE impact on both health and revenues.

    But it doesn't have to be this way. You can approach workplace conflict constructively and achieve positive outcomes, whether you're an employee or a leader in your organization.

    In the guide, you'll learn:

    • how much conflict may be costing your organization
    • what employees think about who's responsible for addressing disputes
    • the benefits of workplace conflict (hint: when done appropriately, there's a lot of benefit to it!)
    • 5 tips you can implement to minimize destructive conflicts and make them easier to deal with when they do come up

    Download the guide or contact us to learn more.